Complete Design

Complete Design

In this guide, we'll design this sleeve starting from a blank canvas using all the tools we've learned.


Start with a concept

Draw an outline of the things you want to include, mask over the sleeve, and describe the design in the subjects field.

It's not required to sketch things out. A sketch just gets us what we want more reliably. When you mask over a sketch, start with a lower strength. Here we used a brush strength of 60.


In the subject field, write out all the subjects in the sketch.


We generate some concepts we can work with. The initial designs don't need to be perfect, but the closer the concept is to the finished piece, the less editing required.


Edit the sword

Enlarge the sword using the zoom tool. Then, mask the parts we want to change using the Edit brush with strength 70.


We generate some concepts using these settings:



To edit the design on the far right, select edit option from the dropdown menu on the image.


Now let's add a sun. I used the new brush to create a pattern around the edge.


Once finished, hit the apply button on your favorite design so that it becomes part of the final placement.

Edit the band

Enlarge the band using the zoom tool. Then mask out the band and generate some designs.


Let's use the design on the right and erase the part of the band we don't like.

Hit the erase button and select the area to erase. This will revert that area back to skin.


Edit the skull

Zoom in to the skull and sketch on our changes. In addition to the sketch, we describe what we'd like to see in the subject field.

skull-settings skull-mask

A brush strength of 70 caused the design to change too much.


In this case, a brush strength of 60 retained more of the features we want.


Edit the symbol


This symbol was not requested but it's a cool addition so we'll keep it. First, we'll zoom and sketch out some additions. Then, we'll generate some variations.


Edit the wrist

Zoom in to the wrist and use the edit mask with strength 60 to redesign the band. We'd like to see some higher quality knots with a mixture of blue and black ink.


wrist-mask wrist-concepts